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It has been a while since I updated the website and, despite the radio silence, a lot has been going on behind the scenes. I have some exciting projects I have been working on to expand the website, which hopefully are not too far off. I also managed to hit over 500 likes/follows on the Facebook page! So a celebration is in order…

… the website will have a new stock update this Friday 13th August at 20:00 hrs UK time (who said Friday the 13th is unlucky?!). The update will be relatively modest in size, but there are some rare and unique items I am sure will be of interest.

As with the previous update, if you manage to be on the website in time to purchase something you like, please click either the "GET IT" button, or alternatively email me directly, referencing the item in question, at (I am also very responsive on Facebook messenger too). I will reserve the item and message you personally to arrange payment and postage. I operate strictly on a 'first come, first serve' basis.

Following Friday's update, I will get back into the swing of expanding the resources section of the website. I have some great articles in mind. All updates will posted on my facebook page as soon as they transpire, so please like and follow:

Lastly, thank you for all the positive and encouraging messages of support over the last few months. I have felt very humbled.

Happy hunting!


RAF Militaria


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